If you’ve been to my services page recently, you might have noticed something different. No more website critiques. No more contact form.
In the past few months, I’ve been feeling really frustrated and experiencing a lot of unnecessary stress as the biggest part of my portfolio, Plum Deluxe, continues to grow. The problem is a lack of flow between the different projects I work on – and oddly enough, many of the projects were the same basic kinds of projects, but when kicked off here at andyhayes.com, it was just me, whereas Plum Deluxe we have lots of nice people who are experts on all sorts of things.
Tired of always doing everything, we’ve reorganized project-based work under a single umbrella, Plum Deluxe Productions (and a pretty page with illustrations – click and check it out!). Doing this makes us more efficient, more focused, and means we can give better customer service (ooh!).
I’ve decided to discontinue the website critiques after all these years, because frankly: people don’t do the work. I didn’t want to charge more for them as I think I had the pricing right, but at that sub-$1k price point, people wouldn’t action the advice. I’ll still be offering my live website critique workshop (in fact, I am fully booked for that consistently about 2 months out, and I’ve improved my packaged offerings).
The thing that really excites me right now is the future of content, and focusing on Plum Deluxe means I can spend more time focused on that work, both on our own content and clients’ content. We’ve had the opportunity to revamp the content strategy for a variety of clients, and the opportunity to work more on in-depth, long-term content projects for businesses making a big difference in the world feels great. And anytime a business decision feels great, it is the right decision.
Don’t you worry, I’ll still be penning my musing here intermittently. Until then, I would love for you to see what we are up at Plum Deluxe (hint: we just launched our new eCommerce portal, Plum Deluxe Collections) and if there are any projects we can collaborate with you on, please – email me.