Hi There and welcome to Day Three of Startup Junkie Week! All this week I’m talking with Melody Biringer from the CRAVE Company about her new book, Craving Success.

Monday we talked about supporting people, yesterday we delved into the concept of Keep it Small and Keep it All. Today we have another great lesson from Melody and her bazillion businesses.. the idea of flip it, which turned her CRAVE books into a mega success.

Tune in now to learn how you can FLIP IT….

So, if you haven’t already………..

  • Be sure to signup below for your FREE subscription to SHERPA Magazine, my new guide to what’s hot in business. Doing so will ensure you’re eligible to win one of the five copies of Melody’s book, Craving Success.
  • Leave a comment below if you have a comment for Melody or myself. We’ll be answering as many as we can either here or in the next edition of SHERPA.
  • Send this to a friend!

If you can’t wait, you can grab a copy of Melody’s book today on Amazon:

Be sure to tune in tomorrow to hear about our experiences with outsourcing! The hilarity (and practical advice) continues all week!