First off, a special shout out and thank you to the lovely ladys at Ovaleye for their really fun video response to my spin class video.
Secondly, I’m announcing the first C-Booster session! It will be on June 14th and I’ll be talking with Jennifer Lee about business plans – yay! 😉 Click here to learn more and RSVP by signing up to my mailing list.

Now, the top three human resources issues facing solopreneurs/entrepreneurs right now (or, well, at least me):
- We no longer have a meme for evaluating talent. Â In a world without CVs/resumes, everyone positions themselves differently. Â Who wins? Â The people who position well, not always the people who are the most talented. (Same problem existed in previous meme, but the affect is more pronounced now.)
- There is not enough middle-of-road talent. Â Lots of people are competing be the luxury, best-in-town, lots-of-money [insert role title here], and plenty of folks are fishing for the cheap cheap projects (just look at Elance), but there’s no middle-of-the-road folks, like maintenance, or just inexpensive one off projects. Â It’s just a trend I’m seeing but I’m not sure what to make of it quite yet.
- There is a glut of talent and tools.  The problem in many cases isn’t finding someone qualified, nor is it a case of finding a marketplace (er, like Elance) to look for those resources.  The problem is that there are too  many – too many marketplaces, too many tools.  And you can try everything for free, so it is a cross between a needle and a hackstack and overeating on a dessert buffet.
If you are doing your job as an entrepreneur, you WILL face hiring issues, even if you wanted to keep your business lean and mean and small – if it ever becomes someone besides you and your dog, who you going to hire? Â In my experience in HR, it is far better to think about these things upfront rather than try to correct mistakes after the fact.
Are you seeing/facing hiring issues in your business? How are you dealing with those issues?
RSVP for the next C-Booster Session and get your copy of SHERPA Magazine by signing up for free: