I’ve really been struggling with what to pen for my last blog post of the year here.
I’m loving the annual review that Chris Guillebeau does every year, but I just went through some changing up of my biz, and continued upheaval personally, so not sure now is a good time for a review.
I could write something about the year in review and list some top blog posts, but just today I had to flip through at least 15 of those year-end-summaries in my RSS reader, leaving me feeling less than blunt about the idea.
I backed down from my usual snarky Dear Santa letter, mostly because I’m sick and tired of all the haters and negativity and navel gazing that’s going on in many of the online circles I hang out in, and didn’t want to add to the stale air.
So, where does that leave me?
At this particular juncture in my life, I have plenty of things to be unhappy about. And heaps of things to be very grateful for.
One thing I’m particularly grateful for is knowing the difference between the things I can control and the things I can’t.
Important people in my life have potentially life-threatening medical conditions. This, I cannot control. Giving them love and support and open arms? That, I can control.
2011 has been a heck of a tough year as a small business owner. The economy I cannot control. But hustlin’, honing in on the expertise I can deliver that others cannot, and making it happen? That, I can control.
Anyone who knows me will be quick to tell you I am a worrier; I know what I can and can’t control, but I don’t always listen to that part of my brain. And in 2012, I’m going to make a better effort of focusing my energy where it can make a difference.
My wish for you as the calendars turn is that you focus your efforts, both personally and professionally, on the stuff you can control. It’s the only thing you can do. (Literally.)