(Yes, that's me!)


Thank you for signing up for a website critique. Your payment is being processed and you should receive a confirmation from Paypal, my payment processor, shortly.

I’m ready to get started when you are, but first, I need to learn a bit more about you. I’ve got a questionnaire to get you going. I know, I know – questionnaire sounds so meh, but I think you’ll learn a few things about your business when you fill this out.

Once you’re done, just email it to me: andrewghayes [at] gmail.com

Take your time – but if I don’t hear from you in a couple of days, I’m going check in on you just to make sure you’re doing ok. If you get stuck or have questions, do not hesitate to get in touch. 🙂

Click Here to download the questionnaire in a Word document.
Or, click here if you need the .TXT file.

Speak to you soon!


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