I recently updated my website theme here – I don’t spend a lot of effort on looks here since most of my web design team is working on Plum Deluxe features – but I do like to keep it fresh here. I also wanted a fresh coat of paint since I re-opened the doors for my business intensives.

One of the questions I get asked all the time is, how often should I update my web design? The answer: there isn’t a set timeline. Your business needs and growth should drive website (re)design decisions, nothing else.


Here’s an example. With wine.

I work a lot with winemakers (lucky me!), and earlier this year I had a winery approach me whose website was build in 2009. 5 years old. Now, here was the thing. The site itself was fine! (I asked for permission & my client said I could tell this story, but no pictures. Sorry.) Up until now, they didn’t sell wine online, so the large pictures and perfunctory website functions was all they needed.

They did have troubles updating parts of the site, and they were tracking their analytics and many visitors were using iPads – and the site didn’t load well on a tablet. And, they’re ready to sell wine online. So, both their customer traffic and business needs were driving a big site upgrade.

The funny part is the new site design isn’t dramatically different, because we wanted an experience similar to what people experience in the tasting room, or see on the wine bottle labels, neither of which were changing.

This particular client is probably A-OK on website design for another 5 years.

I’ve worked with other clients, particularly startups, whose business is changing rapidly and the site design tumbles along right behind.

If your clients are complaining about your website, if your analytics are telling you that your website is terrible, or your website isn’t supporting the functions your business needs, it’s time for an upgrade.